Here are 6 things you probably didn’t know about Humayun Saeed

Written by on May 23, 2024

You don’t even need to be interested in the Pakistani entertainment industry to know who Humayun Saeed is. The veteran actor is a household name in Pakistan and made waves internationally when he started in the Netflix series The Crown as Lady Diana’s love interest, Dr Hasnat Khan.

But how much do we truly know about the Gentleman actor? In a recent interview with Nashpati Prime, Saeed spilled the tea about his life.

Here are the six most interesting things he revealed.

1. No children

According to Saeed, he and his wife, Samina Saeed, never had any children because they faced issues.

“It was God’s will. I love all children,” he stated, clarifying that not having children wasn’t a choice.

2. Does he vote?

The actor said that he did vote in the general elections, swiftly adding that his vote went to Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf leader Imran Khan.

3. The women behind his success

Saeed listed veteran actors Nadia Jamil and Sania Saeed as having worked with him a lot when he started out in the industry, adding that any betterment in him was because of these two actors and directors Mehreen Jabbar and Marina Khan.

“It had a great impact on me… there are women behind successful men.”

He said that his wife was also one of the women behind his success, but there were several women supporting him.

4. His worst fears

The Bin Roye actor stated that he feared losing his loved ones and upsetting them, be it friends or family.

5. How to handle a scandal?

Saeed said that at the start of his career, he would not take scandals seriously and would jokingly shake them off. However, despite there being no new scandals about him, “if one was to leak it wouldn’t look good because it impacts [his] family”.

“Initially, I did not think much about it and let people say whatever they wanted, but after social media emerged, people [began to] trust everything, be it true or false.”

He listed false rumours of his weddings to actors Meera, Mishi Khan and Ayesha Khan, before clarifying that he was only married to his wife, Samina.

6. First love

Saeed talked about his first love, before his wife. He quickly adding that he no longer loved the woman he was talking about because she betrayed him.

“She broke my heart. I cried a lot,” he shared. Despite that, Saeed said his mystery first love was “very cute” and had “fantastic energy”.

“She was wild, she wanted to go to parties, go to the beach. She wanted to drive but did not know how to, so I would teach her. She had a different energy that I really liked… and she would pull me out [of my shyness],” he detailed.

This old flame definitely seems like an interesting premise for a television series that Saeed could produce and perhaps star in. Pakistan can’t get enough of the actor, that’s for sure!

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